Astrocaryum campestre - Tucum-rasteiro
Native to:
Eastern South America.
Open savannah, agricultural fields, dry soils. Up to 1200 meters above sea level. 2 meter tall palm.
Ecological value:
Sharp spikes sound the trunk prevent predation. Grows in deep sandy soils and in open savannah, including agricultural fields (where its considered a pest).
Material uses:
Leaves from the palm are used for their fibers for netting and other objects. The shell of the seed is used to make beads, ornaments and jewelry. Genera in this family generally have great economic importance in terms of oils, fruit, syrup, rattan cane and palm wood. N/A
Edible uses:
Fruit, leaves cooked and palm heart (‘bud’). Harvesting the apical bud will lead to
death of the plant.
Medicinal use:
Used traditionally to treat venereal diseases.
Other details:
The plant belongs to a genus of about 36-40 palm species native to Central and South America. The seeds and fruit of several species are used as fruit, fish bait and oil Production. The genus belongs to the Arecaceae family (palms).
Christina Murcia/Christine Facella
“Astrocaryum Campestre Mart. | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science.” n.d. Plants of the World Online. Accessed November 28, 2023.
“Astrocaryum Campestre - Useful Tropical Plants.” n.d. Accessed November 28, 2023.,by%20number%20of%20species%20domesticated.
Image source: Mauricio Caixeta